【访谈】Brands scramble for Winter Olympic athletes as ambassadors
时间:2023-02-11 发布人:思其晟 点击数:88
2022年2月8日,思其晟公司总经理伍岱麒应《环球时报》邀请,就品牌争抢冬奥会运动员代言的现象,发表专业分析、看法!“Wu Daiqi, CEO of corporate consulting and education firm Keythink also told the Global Times on Tuesday that with the rise of entertainment sports like skiing in recent years, winter sports have expanded their mass foundation, and it's not surprising that Winter Olympic athletes are gaining more attention and financial backing from brands, especially after the approved commercial values of athletes following the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games. ”“Wu nevertheless noted that since the Winter Olympic Games' influence lags behind that of the Summer Games, with only a limited number of Winter Olympic athletes have found themselves the target of large commercial sponsors. ”详细报道请点击链接浏览!